Build Your Unique Marketplace with IdyaFlow

In recent times, there are many things that have undergone a drastic change. From being able to do everything online to being able to be virtually present with a lot of people with the help of ‘live’ features, the world has changed a lot! But, while we are growing every minute we have done a lot of damage to our Mother Earth. Our hoarding tendencies and reckless use of resources have wrecked a lot of havoc and now it is time for us to make sure that we take efforts to reverse or at least halt the damage done. And this can be done by sharing more and more. The next-gen entrepreneurs are also keeping this in mind and thus there has been an emergence of rental marketplaces. Marketplace software like Sharetribe can be used to build platforms that promote sharing and better use of resources. But is Sharetribe the only option? Well, apparently not! Sharetribe has its own share of negative aspects that have motivated people to look for Sharetribe alternatives and build thei...