How Vital the Concept of Sharing Economy is?

To many people sharing economy is a new term. Sharing economy in general terms refers to a trend that involves borrowing and lending of assets instead of buying or selling them. Some of the popular examples of sharing economy are Uber and Airbnb, which allows people to earn just by sitting at their home or while driving car. Nowadays, many market place platforms have come up that offer peer to peer marketplace templates for the same. This allows you to share anything from household assets like bicycles to costlier things such as private jets. Sharing economy is not just confined to sharing assets; it also extends in the arena of talent and service, wherein companies consider hiring contractors, freelancers and employees on short term basis instead of full time employees. This is referred to as gig economy and is a part of the same trend. If you go back and look at the human history, you would find that earlier people used to follow the barter system, wherein they us...